Updated redistricting timeline revealed

OKLAHOMA CITY — On August 23rd, the Oklahoma legislature announced a timeline for the rest of the redistricting process. Here are the important dates:

  • Virtual town hall on updates to legislative maps: September 15th at 6pm

  • Due date for Congressional submissions from the public: October 10th

  • Presentation of public maps: Week of October 18th - 22nd

  • Special legislative session: Week of November 15th

You can find the requirements for public map submission here and instructions for how to submit your map here

As always, People Not Politicians will be submitting a map for consideration. We will be incorporating the public comments from all of the legislature’s town hall meetings as well as the feedback about communities of interest Oklahomans have been submitting throughout the year to our public mapping drive. There is still time to submit your community for inclusion!

While Congressional redistricting gets most of the headlines, it’s important we do not lose sight of the fact that the legislature must redraw all of the state legislative districts yet again due to the release of the 2020 Census data. 

We urge the legislature to adhere to the same principles and discipline they used during the initial redraw back in the spring and create maps that are fair, unbiased, and accurately reflect the population of our state. We will be paying close attention to the revised maps and will move quickly to alert the public and the media if we catch wind that they’re using this opportunity for sneaky political gain. 

Be sure to check our Events page often as we add upcoming trainings, webinars, and live discussions about the redistricting process. 


Congressional Map Submitted to Legislature


Congressional Town Hall Meetings Scheduled